Bongo Coots
2D Rhythm Game
Made as a group of two in Unity. Created for the Ludwig 2023 Game Jam. Worked with implementing rhythm mechanics. Learned how to manage BPM and generation of notes. Closely worked with Audio Settings and got the math of the hit ratio correct.
Row of Houses
3D Village Scene
Individually programmed in Python using Pygame and OpenGL. Explored the day-night cycle and interact with the door in the scene using events. Used quadrics for simple shapes. Worked with textures and lights.
Coffee Delivery
2D Delivery Driver
Individually made in Unity. Worked with colliders, triggers, and rigid bodies. Printed outputs to the console. Managed speed with speed boosts and collisions.
SQL Database
Programmed individually in Java. Worked to manipulate file and data structures. Created ways to store, display, and create data within a database. Allowed for imports and exports of different file types.
Skills Used
File types such as JSON and XML
Mapping and Arrays
Hash mapping and Hash Arrays